Hello hello hello.

Well, it’s been awhile.  🙂

Almost a year, to be exact.

I’m still here.  But life has happened.

I just completed my first full time year at college, working toward my Bachelor of Science, or that’s what I’m currently thinking.  I know I have to pick soon, but I still have some time to decide.  We no longer live in the country, and now live in the suburbs.  I am now a piano teacher with 12 students.

Between school and work and other obligations, I don’t really have time for that much cooking or canning or other crazy kitchen adventures.  My life is mostly school, work, homework, chill, sleep, school, homework…you get the picture.

I do miss some of my “old habits,” lol.  The cooking, the creating, the photography.

But now my life is homework due dates, piano lessons, school friends, and professors, and I’m kinda loving it.  A lot. ;p

Soooooo, that means I don’t have a terrible amount of time to dedicate to this lovely little nook here.  But at least while I’m on break for the next few weeks, I’ll try to post a few things.  I can’t make any promises, though, cause when Calculus starts in a few weeks…it may be crazy.

OK, it WILL be totally crazy.

Till then-

hello again.

Life gets busy.  And certain things get put on the back burner – like this blog.  🙂 

So to catch up…

Life mostly consists of three things – school, work, and family – mostly kitchen management.  Drake and I officially manage dinner and keeping the kitchen clean, and I do much of the meal planning and making of the main dish, while Drake often helps with sides.  It keeps me busy!

I think I have mentioned before that I was blessed with a job at a small salon in town.  I recently passed my one year anniversary there, and I have really been enjoying it.  I clean, answer the phone, and do other secretarial work.  Sometimes there’s time to study or read, which I always enjoy.  Often there are fun people I get to meet.  Today there was this ADORABLE four year old that helped me for a little while.  She was so sweet.

School.  School.  School.  That’s the other one.  So my midwifery school is going well. I am hoping to have it done in about a year, and then I can figure out where I want to go from there.  At this time, I am pretty sure that I don’t want to continue with midwifery, but I still want to stay in the alternative health world.  I am currently thinking about naturopathy, but we’ll see where I am in a year.  Who knows what will change!

So those are the big three.  I haven’t been doing much trying of knew recipes, or creative cooking, just because I have been so busy.  Mostly I am just trying to get a dinner that works with my food restrictions onto the table. 

Oh, and food restrictions…so I think I have written about not being Primal/Paleo anymore.  I started incorporating more grains into my diet earlier this year, and helped me feel better. Now I am avoiding red meats, dairy, and caffeine, which my doctor has me doing to speed healing.  It has pushed me to try new things.

A few weekends ago, my cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents came and visited.  We all had too much fun.  Love all of you – I am so blessed to have you all!

Aaaand last night we started dance lessons!  Drake and I danced together. So much fun. Looking forward to more dancing.  😛

Well, that is all for now.  See you around!


Today in Photos

Happy New Year, everybody! 

Long time no see!


Sorry ‘bout that.

One of my New Year’s resolutions is to post more often.  So I have determined to post at least one post a week.  Not too daunting, eh?

So to start:  today in pictures.  I (finally!) brought my camera to work, and took some shots while I was there.  (And I had a little fun.  So don’t mind the hair-product-pictures, o.k.?)

So these start in the morning, and go through the day.









































P.S.  What do you think of my silver and turquoise nails?

Thankful For


thankful for family.

thankful for sunsets.

thankful for my puppy.

thankful for work.

thankful for warm blankets.

thankful for music.

thankful for my piano.

thankful for my piano teacher.

thankful for ideas.

thankful for understanding friends.

thankful for sibling parties.

thankful for being redeemed.

thankful for love.

thankful for laughter.

thankful for life.

thankful for beauty.

thankful for the country.

thankful for working together.

thankful for blood, sweat, and tears.

thankful for late nights and early mornings.

thankful for inside jokes.

thankful for knowledge.

thankful for wisdom.

thankful for grace.





(What are you thankful for?)

My First Wedding!

Well, hi there, everybody!

(Or at least to the two people that still check this blog. :))

If you haven’t noticed (cough cough) there has been a dearth of posts lately.

So I am going to try to remedy that.

Are you ready?

Good.  Glad you’re on board with me.

All two of you.

So then.

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of second shooting my first wedding.  It was my cousin’s wedding, and it was AWESOME!  Most of the time I focused on getting candid shots, not any of the formal shots, since the other photographer was getting them.  So that means that there are not that many “formal” shots to share with you all.  But I hope you enjoy the ones I do have!


We helped with reception hall set-up before the ceremony


They used these cool/weird water ball thingies.  They were great to photograph!


Hello there!  Just affirming that I am here, cause you won’t see me a whole lot.  🙂


My cousin and my grandparents


Mother of the groom


My aunt (mother of the bride) and two of my many awesome cousins!


Junior bridesmaid (and another of my awesome cousins) Hannah










Exchange of vows






I LOVE her face!  Isn’t she so sweet?!!


Hannah and Meiling


Between photos






The flower girls – they were so cute!  You’ll be seeing more of them.


My cousin Mark.  We had this thing going all day, where I was getting goofy photos of him.  I still need to finish the slideshow of funny photos.  It’s almost done!


Bride, mother, and sister


See? What did I tell you?  Cute or WHAT?!?


The main photographer was having them make happy/fun faces.  As you can see, Hannah took to jumping up and down.




They left the church amid bubbles






Can you *tell* they’re sisters?


My aunt (not the mother of the bride) makes a piñata for just about every family occasion.  The wedding was no exception!


She even made a fancy bat.


Scott egging on the crowd


And that’s the end of that.


Another tradition: the wearing of the piñata


Fixing hair


Almost everyone who had been there for the piñata (family and bridal party) had glow sticks.


Mom, Grandma Jeane, and my aunt (the one that made the piñata)




Greeting at the door




These two were so cute.  They started dancing, then were break dancing, and now are slow dancing.


Cutting of the cake (see the glow stick bracelet?)




Head table (minus the bride and groom – hey, where did they go?)


First dance




At the end of the first slow song, the music changed, and the bride and groom did a choreographed dance to several songs.  They danced for almost 10 minutes!  It was a total BLAST to watch!












They ended with a slow song


Groom and mother




Bride and father


Next they had all the couples come to the dance floor and dance.  The DJ then had couples leave the dance floor, by saying “Anyone married less than  ___ has to leave the dance floor.”  It was pretty awesome, because my grandparents were the last ones there.  All because of them.  🙂


My parents


When my grandparents were the only ones dancing, a bunch of us made a circle around them


And then the dancing started






Scott and Sarah


Us  🙂  (Thanks to my dad for grabbing this shot)


The dollar dance – my dad and Sarah


Noah and Sarah


Drake and Sarah have always been special friends, since they share a birthday.  Drake used to hang out with her when he was little.




And you want to see one of the goofy pictures?


Too.  Much.  Wedding.

Nope, I Didn’t Die

I made it through last week, and most of this week.  Although this week’s been rough.  Hopefully that won’t last any more than a few more days.

So, basically, I got everything canned last week that I wanted to can.  With the exception of some tomatoes, which we ended up freezing, because I had been trying to do too much and had had a meltdown after several mishaps (lost 2 JARS to thermal cracking.  TWO JARS!  Man, that was tough).  So, last week I canned 4 pints and 1 half-pint of salsa verde (which Dad declared good), 4 half pint and one 4 oz. jar of raspberry jelly.  And 1 pint of pickled jalapenos (lost the half pint to thermal cracking).  Plus whatever I ended up doing on Monday (see previous post).

I am tired and slightly under the weather (a blah mood), so not a long post tonight.

Over the past two days I have begun working on my piano arrangement of Owl City’s Good Time!  It’s been pretty fun so far, but all I’m currently doing is figuring out chords and melody.  Once I finish that, the real fun begins – the actual arranging.  The chords appear to be basically the same throughout the whole song, and I have the first verse and chorus melody written out.  I might post a recording of it when it’s done, if anyone’s interested.  But that won’t be for awhile.  🙂

Well, I need to get myself off to bed (too many late nights + too many early mornings + too much sugar = one emotional and unhappy girl), so enjoy the photos.

Till next time!



Last Wednesday – What canning looks like when I have a bad day – all you need is a little Izze!  I LOVE that stuff.


The salsa verde


Saturday – the raspberry juice


Making the jam/jelly







Today – arranging


What’s Up?


I’ve been gone again.


Life happened.

I’ve been working.

Doing school.

Helping at home.

Catering my cousin’s bridal shower. (Loose use of the word “catering.”)

Attending my first birth.

Photographing my first birth.

Taking the knife to my closet.  (The old ugly stuff has to go!)


First things first.  I am working at a fun little salon in town two days a week, four hours a day, as a receptionist, and cleaning.  Actually, this is the first week I have worked two days.  Which I am really excited about.  I like it.

School and life it pretty much normal, so not a whole lot to say about that, except that I’m loving school, as usual.

The shower went well.  It was great to see everybody up north.  For the dessert at the shower, I made mint chocolate brownie bites, lemon poppy seed cake, and Mom made coffee punch.  Yum.

Last night, my good friend had her sweet baby, and I was blessed to have been invited to the birth, and it pleased God to have all the circumstances happen exactly right so I could go!  I am so blessed to have gotten to be there, and it was wonderful.  She had asked me and another young lady to take some photos during the birth, which I found quite enjoyable.  What a blessing to record that special moment!

My closet has been getting too full. Not just that, but after doing the Botkin ladies’ beauty webinar, I have really been thinking about what I am wearing, and trying to look nice.  To be honest, some of my old clothes aren’t really nice.  So I have decided to start paring down my closet, then filling it with things that look nice and that will look good on me.  I emptied a whole bunch yesterday morning, which made me surprisingly slightly apprehensive?  anxious?  teary? not quite sure which.  But the first cut is the deepest, right?

So, that’s what’s been going on.  I’ll be hoping to post a full post about the shower tomorrow when I process the pictures, or at least in the very near future.  So look for that.  In the meantime, here are some photos of the closet-cleaning!



The first pile to go


One side of my closet, after the first clean-out (hopefully not the last)


Fun new hairstyle I tried, and wore all day, and it didn’t give me a headache!  Which made me SO HAPPY!  (I usually get a headache when I where my hair pulled back, usually at the base or near the base of my head.)  What do you think?


I had grand plans of posting about our trip to a you-pick blueberry farm this evening.

And then tonight happened.

But nothing really happened tonight.

I was in the kitchen prepping dinner semi-early, and Meiling and Noah were outside.  They had two Frisbees that they had gotten at the County Fair last night (we worked there yesterday).  They were the kind with the big hole in the middle – just large plastic rings.  They weren’t throwing them at each other, they were using them to…um…do things.  Like the put a long stick thing through both, then one carried one Frisbee and the other carried the other.  They hung things from them, dropped things through them, carried things with them.  And they showed us many of the poses.

Mom and Dad were behind me, just chatting, discussing (among other things) plans for tonight.  There weren’t a whole lot.

Once I had gotten dinner pretty much ready, I headed out the door to go pick up Drake from work.  On my way, I stopped at Sonic to get a medium cherry limeade, since Mom had a token for a free one, and she told me I could use.  So I got it.  A whole medium!  It made me feel so grown up.  A soda AND driving.  If myself 4 years ago could have seen me then, she would have asked who that person was, because there was no way that could have been her.

Earlier today I ran something over to a friend’s home.  After I had gotten over halfway there, I realized I had forgotten what I was supposed to take to them.  So I had to go home.  And it made my trip that much longer.  But I actually kind of liked it.  It was one of those beautiful days, not too warm, clear blue sky, just a few white, semi-wispy clouds, and all the colors oh-so-vibrant.  And there is just something  wonderful about flying down a country highway, windows down, radio playing, hair flying.  It almost made me half glad that nobody was home when I got there, so I just had to leave my things there.  No one needed to see THAT crazy hair.

That feeling carried over to my trip to get Drake, and the soda.  It was so beautiful.  After I grabbed Drake, we chatted on the way home.  He said that, since it was Friday, everyone there was joking, and having more fun.  It just added to my feeling of a relaxed, happy Friday.

When we got home, Mom and I were outside, when I heard some music.  And it sounded like it was getting closer.  Dad appeared around the corner holding the speaker from inside, music blaring, with Meiling and Noah behind him, bearing Frisbees.  We all started throwing the Frisbees back and forth, to the happy music.

And then Mom lit the burn pile, and the smoke outlined the sunbeams that were straining through the trees.  I ran inside to get my camera.

I took a few shots of the smoke, and then laid down in the grass, and took a few self-portraits.  They are among my favorites.  Not because they are amazing.  Because they capture the moment.

It wasn’t anything that we did, or really anything we did.  It was the feeling, the mood, that prevailed, that is what made it memorable.  The relaxedness.  The laid-backness. The love.  The feeling of family.  The whatever goes feeling.

We have been running almost nonstop for the past two weeks.  And I have been feeling pressured to do more school, and to be more busy (if that makes sense).

But the other day, Meiling and I were home alone.  And we were sitting on the floor in the family room, making friendship bracelets.  After that, we were going to read “Little House on the Prairie,”  which we call Laura.

While we were sitting there, I kept feeling like I should go do something productive.  School.  Prep for our trip.  Oh, I am sure that my room could have used a cleaning.

But I really just wanted to stay there.

And then it kind of hit me.  It’s summer.  I don’t ALWAYS have to be working, busy.  And this was one of those times that I was going to remember for a long time, if not forever.  And I don’t want to squish that, brush it out of the way, with “what-I-really-should-be-doing.”  School.  Cleaning.  All great things. 

But in the end, what do they mean?  What do they count for?

Meanwhile, I have a little sister who won’t be seven forever.  And what do I want her to remember about me in 10-15 years?  The older sister who was always closeted up with her books, saying, “SHH!  Please shut the door when you leave!”  or as the sister who took time to read, to make friendship bracelets, bake fun things, do projects.

Oftentimes, Drake, Noah, and I talk about all the things that we used to play.  The forts.  The games.  Like pretending that we were orphans (our parents had been killed by monsters – more specifically, their bites, I think), and we had to move from room to room, being orphans with no home now.  (Side note: we actually didn’t remember this one, but I found it in an old journal, and it TOTALLY sounds like something we would have played.)

And Meiling doesn’t have any of those memories.

Now we’re doing school, driving, going to work, running errands, cooking, programming, building, and other what-not, while Meiling is being her little self, at the same age when we were playing in cardboard boxes, cooking pretend food, and taping paper facial hair on one another (I don’t think I ever wore any of that).  And she doesn’t have any memory of that.

So I want to be the sister that takes time for her.  If not to play in cardboard boxes and make paper facial hair, but to at least take time out for her.  Read to her.  Participate in her make-believes.  And give her some of the memories that we have.

And tonight was one of those nights, in a way.

Just a random, fun memory.  Not perfect, but wonderful in spite of the imperfection, maybe because of it.  Or maybe because it seemed so great.

That was today.




























A Puppy, the Fourth of July, and Visiting

My camera has been woefully neglected.  It has been sitting behind my chair in my room, somewhat out of sight and mind.  I do think about it, but feel uninspired. 

Goal: take out my camera and leave it somewhere so that I can post more.


Last week Tuesday we picked up an ADORABLE little puppy for my cousins.  They named him Bosco.  He is a chocolate cockapoo.  We were taking him up north for them, and OF COURSE we had to get him a bit early.  Don’t you think so, too?

I had so much fun with a little bundle of nigh-boundless energy padding/pattering around behind me, attacking my feet and skirt hem.  I loved having a little warm puppy ball that would suddenly decided he was tired and fall asleep right next to me.  He had this adorable way of curling up on your feet to snuggle and sleep.

But Lucy didn’t like him.  At all.

And honestly, I can’t quite blame her.  He stole her girl, her crate, her water bowl, her room, her spots to lay, and her snuggle time.

If Lucy had hands, she probably would have rung his neck.

Every time I talked to him, every time he was following me or I was taking him out, Lucy was watching from a distance.

And then she started giving me the cold shoulder.  When I would talk to her, she wouldn’t look at me.  And if I tried to hug her or pick her up, she would pull away.

Needless to say, she is happy that he is gone.


For the Fourth of July, we had some dear friends over.  We have spent probably the majority of the major holidays with this family for the past 5+ years.  So we continued the tradition.  There was food, bubbles, squirt gun fights, paddle boat rides, and pond-swimming.  Bonfires, badminton, puppy snuggling, and kitty snuggling.  And plenty of talking.

It was wonderful.

I hope your Fourth was as lovely as ours.


Friday afternoon we headed up north to deliver a puppy and visit.  It was so great to see family, but too short as always.  I got in several games of Rummikub with Grandma, and Pop joined us for a few, also.  I really love that game.


And I hauled my camera all the way up there, and, woefully, it stayed in the bag most of the time.

So I only have one photo of Bosco to share.  And a not-to-great one at that.




Hoping to take more pictures soon!
