The Versatile Blogger Award

Yesterday I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by YoursTrulyJulie.  Thank you oh so very much!

Now there are a few rules that come with the award:

1.  Thank the person who gave you the Award.

2.  Include a link to their blog.

3.  Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.

4.  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.

5.  Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

My nominees:

Organic Beauty Care Recipes

In Skirts and Wellies

Dancing in a Fishbowl 🙂

Leviticus 26 Homestead


All She Has to Say

Life Through a Living Imagination

Dirt Road Home

Racheal’s Ramblings

Wandering Words

Deep Roots at Home

Sojourning Here in Fear

From the Garret

Simply Vintagegirl

Julia’s Journal

Seven things about me:

1.  I sleep with my 14 pound little puppy, Lucy.  She is my living stuffed animal!

2.  I am very interested in nutrition/health/herbs.  It gets me excited.  Once, I kept myself up until midnight, thinking about purchasing organic free range chickens and cutting them up and freezing them so we would have chicken thighs, legs, wings, and breasts, all separated and frozen for future use.  It was really that exciting to me.

3.  When I am in the kitchen by myself, I like to turn on music and sing and dance.  Sometimes my little sister joins me and we sing into wooden spoons.

4.  My favorite animated film is “Over the Hedge.”

5.  I like to go to the library and check out lots of books, usually cookbooks, or books about health, decorating, or embroidery.  Sometimes I get so many that I am afraid that I will either drop them all or tip over.

6.  I love to read The Pioneer Woman’s books and her blog.  She makes me giggle.

7.  When I can, I like to try to figure out movie soundtracks on the piano.  Some that I have figured out are “He’s a Pirate” from “Pirates of the Caribbean” and parts of the “Chronicles of Narnia’” theme and parts of “Forrest Gump.”  I am currently trying to figure out “Up is Down” from “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” and “Arrival to Earth” from the first Transformers movie.  I haven’t necessarily seen all these movies – I just enjoy their soundtracks.