
Welcome!  I’m so glad you’re here!

My name is Allison, and I am an 18-year-old Christian young lady.  I live in rural Missouri with my family, and our various animals/pets.  I am the oldest – I have two brothers and one sweet little sister.  We are all homeschooled.

I am so thankful that I am saved by Christ.  I am amazed at his love and mercy to me, an undeserving sinner.

I love food.  I love to read about food, cook food, shop for food, think about food, and eat food.  I particularly love cooking and baking.  Baking is definitely my favorite, but I *try* not to do it too much, because I end up eating what I made.  🙂

I also love health/nutrition/herbal remedies and the like.  I read a lot on these subjects, and I also try various home remedies.  I am currently really into making my own beauty/personal care products.  I just successfully made lotion (look for that in an upcoming post), and can’t wait to make it again (with a few herbal infusions)!

I eat a semi-paleo gluten-free diet.  I try to avoid all grains as well as most dairy (I still eat butter and cheese).

I am enrolled in a midwifery correspondence course, which I am enjoying so very much.  It’s provided all kinds of new information, as well as new experiences.

I love the country.  The peacefulness.  The views.  Being more “in-touch” with nature (as much as I hate to use that over-used phrase).  I feel as if I have a greater appreciation for God’s lovely seasons, as I can see the dramatic changes right outside my window.  I love old fences, old dirt roads, and old barns.

Over the past few years, I have been enjoying photography.  I am not very good (at all!) but I have so much fun doing it.  I particularly enjoy portraiture, macro photography, and (you guessed it) food photography.

I post my photos, recipes, pictures of food I make, funny things that happen, as well as just normal things (if you can call life “normal”).

So here you’ll find a few recipes (mostly gluten and grain free), lots of photos, my ramblings, and plenty of funny things that my siblings say.

I really hope you enjoy!

Oh, and drop me a note if you stop by.



12 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Allison! Thanks for sharing your blog with me!! I’m glad I’ll be able to follow what’s going on over there in the H. home =)
    btw, I love your blog design.
    Come on over and take a look at mine sometime: http://boerblogger.blogspot.com/
    Your friend,

  2. Dear Allison,

    Thanks for letting us know about your new blog! I love the design, by the way. It’s also fun to see your photography projects. : ) Sorry I wasn’t able to give you a return phone call yet; we were in Los Angeles visiting Nana. I’ll hope to call in a few days . . .


  3. Hello! I’ve seen you at the CHEF Conference for the past couple years, as well as the two most recent CHEF Civil War Balls! I found your blog through a comment you left on the Servens’ blog. (we sort of know them :)) It was nice to ”meet” you here on your enjoyable blog. I’d be happy to have you visit my blog!
    Have a lovely remainder of the winter season…I really like the photos you take!

  4. Hey Allison. I left you a little note on a different blog, but I thought you might see it better here. Your pictures are amazing!!! They’re done so precisely and exquisitely. I love coming over to the page and seeing what you have posted that’s new.
    Have you ever heard of 365 Gratefuls? There’s a website and a story about the lady who started it if you just type it into Google. When I was skimming through your photos, it made me think of it. Just thought I’d share.
    Hope you are doing well!

    1. Hi Madeline! I get a notification every time someone posts a comment, so I see every comment. 🙂

      I’m glad you enjoyed my photos! Photography is something that I have been working on (on a sporadic basis, especially now) for a few years. It is wonderful to capture God’s beautiful world in a photo.

      I have not heard of 365 Gratefuls, but I am familiar with the concept of 365. I’ll have to look it up!

      It was great to hear from you! We are doing well (God is good), and hope the same for you!


  5. Hey. Just wanted to say that I am thinking of you. Every time I play an Owl City song on YouTube, it makes me think of you. I’m liking his new songs-like You’re Not Alone ft Britt Nicole and Wolf Bite-i think you told me about that one!

    Hope you’re doing well. I hate the cold and rain, so I hope you’re staying warm and dry!!!!

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